Infinite Jumper

Publisher that games guy
File size 13.54MB
Number of files 146
Latest version 2
Latest release date 2019-01-30 10:38:10
First release date 2015-10-08 08:41:19
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
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Updated: Now includes horizontal and vertical game templates.

Infinite Jumper is a 2D infinite jumping game template.

This kit provides everything you need to create your own randomly generated 2D infinite jumping game. Includes a quick start guide that details how to add your own platform sections.

- Mobile (iOS and Android) and Desktop ready project
- Infinite level generator system
- Easily extend by adding new level sections
- Includes menu and game over scene
- Save and load high score
- Make your own by easily adding your own graphics and animations.
- Fully Documented

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