Incoming! Random Obstacle Generator


Publisher Scrycoast
File size 1.64MB
Number of files 47
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2015-05-14 06:19:04
First release date 2014-11-14 09:51:59
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Now for Unity 5!

Incoming! is a random obstacle generator for Unity. Perfect for your runner, platformer, arcade or tetris project - Incoming! can be adapted to any kind of game. Configure your number of casted objects, waves, direction, position and rotation settings as well as time and casting intervals. Drag and drop our personal objects on the generator and create obstacles for your game without using a single line of code and spare a lot of time!

Watch this video to see the generator in action!
This is an example of a game using Incoming!

- Configure any number of waves with obstacles in cast direction, speed, position and rotation
- Select random values in any fields if required
- Adjust casting intervals and time between waves
- Drag and drop own objects on the generator with ease
- Configure speed additions for waves to create difficulty increase settings
- Obstacle prefab provided using a destroy script to configure obstacle removal
- Example scene, detailed documentation and well documented scripts

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