Horse - Shetland Pony

Publisher 4toon Studio
File size 26.34MB
Number of files 21
Latest version 4
Latest release date 2014-08-08 05:59:19
First release date 2014-07-02 02:12:36
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
This is the Shetland Pony Horse model with meshes optimized to low poly version:
▪Pony (HP 2950/LP 2060 tris.
Pony has 27 bones.

▪Pony - 4 textures, 1 normal map (2k by 2k).

Model has 17 UNIQUE animations:
Jump, eating (3), idle (2), attack (3), trot, gallop, tarsus, death & hit(4).

You can see them here:

Contact: [email protected]

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