High Detail Helicopter

VIS Games

Publisher VIS Games
File size 299.81MB
Number of files 291
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2024-10-22 06:42:12
First release date 2024-10-22 06:42:12
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

This package contains a very high detailled police helicopter.

It contains a version with a lower detail interior for outside view and a high detail version for interior first person view. 

-Two different skins are included. 

-The winshield wipes include an animation.

-Are important parts are animateable (also instruments)

Textures-sizes: 1024x1024 to 4096x4096

Textures inlcude: Albedo, Normal, Maskmap (AO, Metallic, Smoothness) and Emission (where needed)

Total polycount around 500k

Supports BuiltIn-, URP- and HDRP-Renderpipeline

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