Hidden Objects game - Starter Kit


Publisher Allebi
File size 28.27MB
Number of files 232
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2019-12-13 06:18:21
First release date 2014-07-24 07:47:42
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
If you have any questions - please contact us via [email protected]

It is a complete solution to create a nice and professional "Hidden Objects" game really fast and easy. The package has everything you may need and every element was carefully designed to be effective, universal, customizable and easy to use.

DEMO is here!

There is just a brief list of features:
- Gameplay logic and all related components
- Includes amazing assets:
(Easy Menu, BlueCartoon Skin, LivingRoom Art)
- Scripts for importing scenes and animation
- Easy Menu system
- Sound manager components
- Easy and nice dialogs sub-system

Game is fully optimized and Mobile-ready.

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