Half-Price Integrate FX


Publisher Dr.Game
File size 8.51MB
Number of files 257
Latest version V1.0.2
Latest release date 2017-12-12 12:59:26
First release date 2015-06-10 10:15:00
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
>Compatible with Unity 2017
The package is not a fish but a fishing rod ! It includes all kinds of FX in for your game, such as flight shoot FX, loop buff FX and hit FX, this is an integrate FX educational package.We hope that you can learn some thing about Shuriken particle system from it as demonstrates about 60 Integrate FX! By referencing the setting of every sub particle system,you can create your own specific and exclusive FX in your game instead of spending time and money in Asset store.As a result of educational purpose, we are determined to give you a big discount:Half-Price!!Regarding the benefit of this package, the original price should locate at $40.Now you can get it by half price:$20!!! The feature of the package below:

>Moderate style suitable for both cartoon & reality
>Both suitable for 2D & 3D
>Good efficiency to support mobile games
>Dimensions are approximate to reality
>Classic texture & material sort manage system.
>to adapt Unity 5

you never regret it ~ Check out the demo below! >>DEMO >>VIDEO

>>you can Q&A in Forums

Notice!!The package does not contain the relative SFX and Icon.You can acquire it in asset store!
>>Integrate SFX
>>Integrate Icon

The FX package belowing is helpful to you!!
>>Weather&Wind FX
>>Water Elemental FX
>>All-in-One Fire FX
>>Flight Magic FX
>>Battle Skill FX

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