Gen03 Doum Palms01

Publisher Mr Andrew Chapman
File size 26.24MB
Number of files 69
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2024-11-21 12:07:12
First release date 2024-11-21 12:07:12
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Gen03 Doum Palms01

Gen03 Workflow, fully seeded to prevent duplication.

27 Unique Doum Palm Trees, from Small, Medium and Adult including Split Trunk versions.

  • 7 Adult Palms
  • 6 Split Trunk Palms
  • 7 Medium Palms
  • 7 Small Palms

Colliders and Lightmaps all created. Materials come ready for use for the UR Pipeline, which can be made compatible to other Rendering Pipelines. IF you are having problems, please visit our Forum Page Here.

If you are still experiencing issues, leave a post and we will try an assist you, we monitor the forums daily.

The Meshes are FBX and the Textures are PNG, making the pack compatible with all current Editors supported by Unity.

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