Gen03 Banana Plants

Publisher Mr Andrew Chapman
File size 50.13MB
Number of files 103
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2024-11-18 12:08:14
First release date 2024-11-18 12:08:14
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Gen03 Banana Plants

This pack includes a series of unique Banana Plants, from small, medium, full grown and even dead stages. The Pack also includes 2 Mesh Banana Bunches, so you can hang them to any plant for greater realism in your scene.

  • 6 Plant Stumps.
  • 6 Small Plants by Growth.
  • 4 Pruned Plants.
  • 4 Medium Plants by Growth.
  • 4 Fallen Plants.
  • 2 Dead Plants.
  • 10 Full Grown Plants.
  • 1 Cut Bunch of Bananas.
  • 1 Bunch of Bananas with Stem, for attaching to any of the plants.

Each mesh is Unique and is numbered with its Seed. This is to prevent duplication.

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