

Publisher DEXSOFT
File size 1.28GB
Number of files 414
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2024-08-13 04:12:11
First release date 2024-08-13 04:12:11
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

The gas station is made with a modular workflow. 

The example gas station shown in the level is included in this asset pack.

(Please check image with the list of meshes to better understand the modular parts).


70 unique meshes included: gas station elements, main building, smaller building, signs, tankers, chairs, tables, bins, fences, cups, cashier desk etc.

Questions, concerns or assistance:

via email: [email protected]

or join Discord Server 


Image used for panel is taken from free image source ( It can be switched and replaced with your image in material settings. The gas station logo is our original design. Textures used for some materials (metal, marble, concrete, plastic) are taken from free PBR sources (

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