Future racing track - Mobile ready


Publisher AndreiNi
File size 3.78MB
Number of files 48
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2020-09-18 07:23:12
First release date 2020-09-18 07:23:12
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Future racing track, optimized for smartphones.

Great for sprint or circuit races, or even drifting, thanks to the large width of the tracks.

Prefabs for track parts are available, make your own future racing track!

The map doesn't use many textures, so it can increase the rendering performance for smartphones.

You have the following 9 prefabs in this package:

- Long straight track (200 polys / 384 tris);
- Short straight track (10 polys / 20 tris);
- Corner track (10 polys / 20 tris);
- Ramp (10 polys / 20 tris);
- Start/end gate (78 polys / 148 tris);
- Guidance arrows + animation script;
- Neon lights (36 polys / 72 tris);
- Billboard object (78 polys / 148 tris);
- Track stands (178 polys / 340 tris).

Textures are 512px x 512px.

Most objects have no textures, only simple materials, for maximum performance and aesthetic.

Drive in a futuristic environment, with lasers, bright neon colors and space platforms. Future track with a retro look.

Please note: car shown in the video is NOT included in the asset.

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