Freshwater Fish Pack

File size 73.81MB
Number of files 154
Latest version 2
Latest release date 2019-04-08 10:48:08
First release date 2016-07-25 06:05:24
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
This package contains 3d models and animations of eight freshwater fishes(Angelfish, Arowana, Pirarucu, Ayu, Salmon, Goldfish, Betta, Koi).
Web GL Demo
mesh size
AngelfishLOD1:814 tris
AngelfishLOD0:3628 tris
ArowanaLOD1:1284 tris
ArowanaLOD0:5480 tris
PirarucuLOD1:1326 tris
PirarucuLOD0:5580 tris
The animation names Pirarucu are listed on the screen shots.
Other models animation's pattern is similar to the Pirarucu.
for more information about Angelfish
for more information about Arowana
for more information about Pirarucu

Upgradeable to All JS animals pack

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