Free Anvil

Publisher Ember Glitch
File size 15.11MB
Number of files 27
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2020-06-25 07:02:11
First release date 2020-06-25 07:02:11
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
A small pack containing a free anvil!

Weapons?aid= forged upon this anvil!
Matching?aid= bone weapons

- 2 Static meshes.
- a 2k texture set containing Albedo, AO, Metallic smoothness and a Normal map.
- The anvil mesh has 2326 vertecies and the hammer has 611 vertecies
- 3 prop prefabs.
- Colliders have been assigned to all prefabs
- Also included is the Post-process profile used in the screenshots.
No additional software is required for this assets pack to function
No other Packages are required for this pack to function.
This package is made for the lightweight render pipeline.
This package can be used with unity's post-prosses package.

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