Forest Hill Game Level

Publisher Mister Necturus
File size 257.92MB
Number of files 103
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2018-09-18 10:40:13
First release date 2012-07-09 08:43:45
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

How to use: Throw "Forest_Prefab" into your hierarchy panel or into the Scene window.

Polygons - 542,219
Vertices - 777,964
Triangles - 1,076.066
Objects - 2266

The game level includes 6 kinds of trees, 3 kinds of mushrooms, 4 kinds of plants, dead, dry trees, rocks and cliffs. There is a place with a big mystic tree at the top of the hill which can be used as a boss location.

Textures are in TIFF format, 1024x1024px for big objects and 512x512px for small. Optimized for Unity.

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