Forbidden Dungeons

Publisher Daelonik Artworks
File size 1.52GB
Number of files 1435
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2022-03-04 09:05:13
First release date 2016-01-26 05:48:21
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

[ASSET INFO] [Website] [Support]

With this pack you get the tools needed to create a dungeon environment. It can be customizable to create your own underground level. You can also mix the pieces with other environment tools. Included many lods in heavy models to improve performance. Inside this asset: 206 prefabs with different blocks to build scenes, decoration props, fxs, shaders, materials, high quality textures, etc.

Right now it includes 2 main zones (big room & sewers) wich also includes corridors, extra rooms and 2 different sewer style (small & big). This underground pack is constantly growing with every update including new different zones & assets.

Check out [ASSET INFO] link above for extended info.

Forbidden Dungeons unitypackage is on SRP by default. Switch to URP or HDRP will require to download an import additional packages. (here)

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