First Aid Collection PBR


Publisher GamePoly
File size 91.74MB
Number of files 36
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2018-11-19 01:19:08
First release date 2018-11-19 01:19:08
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
First Aid Collection PBR

Quality Collection First Aid Props, perfect for use as Medicine / First aid in games, or Decoration

Includes the following First Aid Props :

1. First Aid Bag in Red and Green Color
2.Painkillers (Interior Version has some pills in the top of the bottle, it is not filled up for better performance, and some of the not visible polygons of the pills is removed.
3. Field Bandage
4. Autoinjector (the lid can be removed, Perfect Health Regeneration, or Adrenalin Shot.

Sculpting done in Zbrush and Retopologized, High Poly mesh Baked and PBR Painted .

Albedo, SpecularSmoothness, Normal, and AO Maps

Between 2048x2048-4096x4096 TGA Textures

Please Note, this PBR Textures Only.

Low Poly Triangles

10500 Tris
5472 Verts

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