Fighter Pack Bundle


Publisher Explosive
File size 31.55MB
Number of files 385
Latest version 2
Latest release date 2019-09-03 04:52:11
First release date 2015-02-27 02:17:29
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Combines 4 Fighter Mecanim Animation Packs into one giant, discounted bundle!

Female Fighter Mecanim Animation Pack

Male Fighter Mecanim Animation Pack

Heavy Fighter Mecanim Animation Pack

Berserker Fighter Mecanim Animation Pack

A complete set of 4 polished and professional Fighter Mecanim Animation Packs, setup as Mecanim Humanoids so you can easily swap your own characters in, and have support for full 5 finger hands to accommodate high detail models.

The provided Animation Controllers are clean and concise, or just plug the animations into your existing setup.


  • 252 Animations, with more added upon request.
  • Full Mecanim Humanoid Skeleton with full 5 finger hand support.
  • Clean concise Animator Controller ready to hook into you code.
  • Stationary versions of translating animations for use with Ultimate Fighting Engine and other similar implementation approaches.

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