Editor Camera Pro


Publisher Smitesoft
File size 872.17kB
Number of files 20
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2022-05-20 12:26:13
First release date 2022-05-20 12:26:13
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

We will be holding monthly asset giveaways on Discord, come and say hi!

This is an Editor only tool that helps you with world building by making the Game camera window much easier to work with

This asset Features:

- Plug & Play, no setup is required! (Auto on Import)

- Link and Sync Scene-Camera to Game-Window-Camera

- Allows for easy save/book mark current camera location and rotation

- Allows for instant teleportation of the camera to saved/bookmarked locations and rotations

- Provides persistent Unity events whereby you can store the locations and rotations of camera position in your own logic.

- Mode 1: Camera link and sync (Toggle)

- Mode 2: Teleport camera to saved location/rotation (Button)

- Mode 3: Teleport camera in front of selected object (toggle)

- Mode 4: Teleport camera behind selected object (toggle)

- Very fast and smooth, very efficient

- Does not affect your build at all as it will not be included in your build

- Auto integrates into your Editor

This asset is under active development

Source: DLL

Support: Please contact us on Discord

Queries: Please contact us on Discord

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