Dungeon Areas

Publisher Laali Unit
File size 134.18MB
Number of files 546
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2019-05-31 09:19:09
First release date 2016-04-14 04:26:26
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
The Second Part of Top-Down series takes you into the dark Undergrounds dungeons environments.The package contains a lots of assets to build your own dungeons games.
Packages Contains Over 230+ Prefabs:
- Walls,Floors,Catacombs,Chain,Fence,Grid
- Cloth,Pillar,Lava,Pipe,Pots,Shelves
- Decals, Ivy
- Rocks,Woodens Constructions and many more.
- mobile friendly meshes
- hand painted, Textures Atlased
- PBR materials equipped with textures atlased for Diffuses, Normals & AO maps
- 3 Demo Levels

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