Dog - Rottweiler (Full)

Publisher 4toon Studio
File size 35.70MB
Number of files 18
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2019-08-08 08:22:11
First release date 2015-10-26 08:26:18
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
This is a High Poly 3D Model of a Rottweiler with meshes optimized to a Low Poly version:
•Rottweiler - SHP 12388 tris;
•Rottweiler - HP 6484 tris;
•Rottweiler - LP 2950 tris.
Model has 39 Bones.

•Rottweiler - 1 Color Texture, 1 Normal, 1 Specular, 1 Ambient Oclusion Maps (all 1k/2k/4k).

Model has 56 UNIQE Animations RM/IP, which are GREAT ASSET to this Model. ALL repeatable Animations with (L) are looped:

AttackPaw(L), AttackJawWithLacerate(L), AttackJumpWithLacerate(L), Crawling(L), Creeping(L), Death, Digging(L), Eating(L), FightIdle(L), Idle(L), GoToSleep, Sleep(L), WakeUp, Hit Left(L)/Right(L)/Front(L)/Back(L), IdleStanding(L), IdleSeating(L), Jumping(L), Running(L), Strafe Left/Right, Walking(L), WalkingBack(L), RunFaster(L), Turn Right90/Left 90, Barking(L), Breathing(L), Swimming(L), Winded(L), Walk Smell(L), StartScratching/Scratching(L)/EndScratching, Rest(L), IdleSeating(L), FightIdle(L), Eating01(L), AttackBit(L), Drinking(L), Jumping UP(L), Jumping Down(L), Walk Turn Left(L), Walk Turn Right(L), Run Turn Left(L), Run Turn Right(L),.
Ver. 1.2 - fixed RM animations Turns L & R, added new prefabs & scene.
E-mail: [email protected]

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