Discus Schooling

Publisher Mikhail Nesterov
File size 103.67MB
Number of files 75
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2023-08-29 09:15:15
First release date 2023-08-29 09:15:15
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Each fish has 3 type of textures (albedo, metallic, normal).

The realistic models of Discus fish.

This animation has a loop 2335 frames.

1 Discus Albino Millennium Gold

2 Discus Albino Snakeskin

3 Discus Brilliant Turquoise

4 Discus Checkerboard Pigeon

5 Discus Heckel Cross

6 Discus Leopard Red Spotted

7 Discus Red Passion

8 Discus Red Map Checkerboard

9 Discus Yellow Marlboro

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