Dinosaur - Pterodactyl (Full)

Publisher 4toon Studio
File size 333.20MB
Number of files 16
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2016-02-17 08:40:30
First release date 2015-05-01 02:53:45
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
This is a High Poly 3D Model of a Pterodactyl (Pterodactylus) with meshes optimized to a Low Poly version:
•Pterodactyl - HP 4569 tris;
•Pterodactyl - LP 2733 tris.
Model has 46 bones.

•Pterodactyl - 3 Color Textures, 1 Normal,
1 Specular Map (all 4k).

Model has 33 UNIQE Animations (InPlace), which are GREAT ASSET to this Model. This Version has animated eyes.

Idle, Idle01, Sleeping, FightIdle, AttackHead(beak), Walk, Jumping, Running, JumpAttack, Flying, BlendingForSoaring (noAnimation), Soaring, StartNosedive, Nosedive, Attack(beak)CaptureFromTheAir, Attack(Claw,Tail)CaptureFromTheAir, Death(Air), Walk01, Eating, Eating01, HitLeft(onTheGround), HitRight(onTheGround), HitFront(onTheGround), HitBack(onTheGround), HitDown(inAir), HitLeft(inAir), HitRight(inAir), HitBack(inAir), Death01, IncubationOfEggs, WalkBack, WalkBack1, Creeping, TakeOff.

The Tropical Nature Enviro from the presentation is NOT INCLUDED to this Project, but can be purchised separately on Asset Store from Manufactura K4 Publisher.

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