Dinosaur - Pteranodon (Full)

Publisher 4toon Studio
File size 199.63MB
Number of files 17
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2021-01-07 08:52:20
First release date 2015-07-07 12:09:56
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
This is a High Poly 3D Model of a Dinosaur Pteranodon (FULL) with meshes optimized to a Low Poly version:
•Pteranodon - SuperHP 10524 tris;
•Pteranodon - HP 5227 tris;
•Pteranodon - LP 2472 tris.
Model has 36 Bones.

•Pteranodon - 3 Color Textures, 2 Normal, 1 Specular, 1 Ambient Oclusion Maps (all 4k).

Model has 42 UNIQE Animations (In Place), which are GREAT ASSET to this Model.

AttackBake CaptureOfAirFromThePositionNosedive, Attack Bake01 CaptureOfAirFromThePositionFlying, AttackClaw Capture CaptureOfAirFromThePositionNosedive, AttackClaw01 CaptureOfAirFromThePositionFlying, AttackBake, Creeping, Death, DeathWithTheFall, DeathWithTheFall01, Eating, Falling/Falling01, FightIdle, FightIdle(onTheFly), Flying, Hit Left/Right/Front/Back, Hit01(inAir) Left/Right/Front, Hit(inAir) Left/Right/Down/Up, Idle/Idle01/Idle02, IncubationOfEggs, JumpAttackBake, Jumping, Nosedive, Rotate90 Left/Right, Sleeping, Soaring, Strafe Left/Right, TakeOff, Walk, WalkBack.

Watch them here

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