Cyber Metal Music: Hardcore, Limitless, Relentless

Publisher Intersonic Sound
File size 668.61MB
Number of files 10
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2023-07-31 05:02:12
First release date 2023-07-31 05:02:12
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Cyber Metal Music, hardcore, limitless, relentless, good music. A combination of various heavy EDM genres with Heavy Metal music.


  • Commercial-level compositions.
  • Use songs on YouTube or any other platform, as well as games.
  • You can add extra dynamism to your songs with software such as Fmod Studio or Wwise.

Heads up!

Since the songs are not looping, we recommend using Fmod Studio or Wwise to do this. Also we cannot provide BPM information at this time.

Track List

  1. Cauldron Of Conceit
  2. Nightweed
  3. The Blastwave
  4. Louder Anger
  5. Victorious
  6. Satellite
  7. Revolver
  8. Breaching
  9. More Gasoline
  10. Vehicular Combat

Audio Count: 10

Total Length: 44 minutes

Total Size: 677 MB

Looping: No, Commercial Full-Length

BPM Info: Not provided

File Type: 24-bit, WAV

Sample Rate: 44100

Mastered: Yes

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