Cute Animal Pet (Dog)

Publisher 4 Leaf Studio
File size 11.02MB
Number of files 232
Latest version 1.0.1
Latest release date 2019-08-30 07:34:10
First release date 2019-08-29 09:19:08
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Requires Unity 5.6.7f1 or higher.
Cute Animal Pet (Dog)

- Dog 1, Dog 2, Dog 3
- 878 ~ 996 Polygons.

Available Animations
- Idle
- Walk
- Run
- Eat
- Sleep
- Surprise
- Attack
- AttackStand
- Damage
- Die

I hope that this asset will able to help you to make best quality game.

Thank you so much.

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