Customizable One Handed Guns

Publisher SL 3D Creation
File size 212.41MB
Number of files 414
Latest version Initial Release
Latest release date 2015-06-26 07:38:17
First release date 2015-03-27 01:13:52
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
This easy-to-use pack allows you and your players to create unique one handed guns.

The guns are divided in 3 parts :
- Grip
- Loader (or mechanism)
_ Barrel

The pack contains 4 different models for each parts inspired by classics weapons and designed to match all together, allowing you to create a total of 64 different models.

- Western Grip : 258 polys
- Western Loader : 266 polys
- Western Barrel : 134 polys
- German Grip : 439 polys
- German Loader : 218 polys
- German Barrel : 91 polys
- James Grip : 281 polys
- James Loader :357 polys
- James Barrel : 149 polys
- Modern Grip : 277 polys
- Modern Loader : 371 polys
- Modern Barrel : 121 polys

Each style comes with 5 different PBR quality materials with diffuse, specular and normal 2048x2048 .tif maps:

So by mixing all, you can get up to 8000 unique looking guns !

You'll also find 320 already-made prefabs.
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