Crypto Mining Farm Pack


Publisher Rosyaev
File size 711.96MB
Number of files 764
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2024-11-18 07:36:14
First release date 2024-11-18 07:36:14
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

A wide range of low-poly models for creating cryptocurrency/mining applications or games. The pack includes various equipment elements, each with 4 tiers. The models allow you to create scenes ranging from a hobbyist miner's room to advanced data centers. Perfect for clicker games, strategy games, and business development simulations.

All models are configured for light baking and light probes.

You can adjust the number of video cards/ASICs in the rig.

Animations are configured via simple code, you can adjust the glow of objects or the speed of fans.

The models have colliders configured.

There are no custom shaders, so the models can be easily adapted to any pipelines.

The project contains 3 scenes - examples.

Models (87):

Graphics Card x4

GPU Mining Rig x4


ASIC Mining Rig x4

Workspace x4 (Table/Monitor/Keyboard/Mouse/Chair - all separate object, you can configure them)

PC x4

Power Unit x4

Server x4

TV x3

Bed x4

Bookshelf x4

Door x4

Neon Lamps x4

Nightstand x4

Plant x4

Poster x4

Wardrobe x4

Building Components (Walls/Windows) x8


Maximum polycount - GPU Card Tier4 - 922 polygons

For example Tier4 GPU rig can contains 39 cards - 38152 polygons total

The pack will be updated, URP will be added soon

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