Cartoon Cave - Caveman (Full)

Publisher 4toon Studio
File size 46.33MB
Number of files 12
Latest version 4
Latest release date 2015-02-23 08:27:57
First release date 2015-01-16 09:10:37
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
This is a 3D Model of a Cartoon Caveman contains TWO [2] Models (Old & Young Caveman) with 58 Animations (FULL Version):
•Caveman A (Young) - 5578 tris;
•Caveman B (Old) - 4570 tris;
•Spear - 60 tris;
•Bone - 172 tris.
Both Models have 42 bones.

•Caveman A - 1 Texture, 1 Normal Map (2k by 2k);
•Caveman B - 1 Texture, 1 Normal Map (2k by 2k).

Models have 58 UNIQE Animations, which are GREAT ASSET to these Models. ALL repeatable Animations with (L) are looped. Some Animations are designed to use ONLY with Bone(B) or Spear(S), but most of them with both (Bone & Spear). So we are recommending to use them accordingly:

Idle(L), Walk(L), Back Walk(L), Wounded Walk(L), Walking OnAllFours(L)/OnAllFours_Back(L), DrunkStumbling(L), Creeping(L), Running(L), RunningFast(L), Running Happy(L), RunningBackwards(L), SwingingFromBranchToBranch(L), Jumping(L)/01(L)/WithSupport(L), WithSpear(L), Boxing(L)(B), JumpingSmash(L)(B), AttackWith Spear(L)/Spear01(L), ThrowingASpear(L), Stabbing With Spear(L), Eating WhileSeating(L)(B)/WhileSeating01(L), FallingAsleep(L), RitualDance(L), Prayers(L), StartPushing(B)/Pushing(L)(B)/EndPushing(B), Return With Jump(L), Turn Left180/Right180/Left90/Right90, StartRetreat-Retreat-EndRetreat(L), Retreat(L), FightIdle(B)/01(L)(B)/WithSpear(L), Death/Death01, Seat Down/Down01, Seating Idle(L)/Idle01(L), StandUp/Up01, Hit Right(L)/Left(L)/Front(L)/Back(L)/Hit(L), Spinning Left(L)(B)/Right(L)(B), StartToPulling(without B&S), Pulling(L)(without B&S) & Lighting Bonfires(L)(S).

You can see them here:

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SkyPe: Graphics4toonStudio

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