Cannon Field


Publisher Belias
File size 24.05MB
Number of files 53
Latest version 2
Latest release date 2016-09-07 08:25:22
First release date 2016-02-24 10:19:58
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Cannon Field. Version 2.2
3 models: normal, damaged, destroyed.
Field Cannon:
4 LODs: ~ 4200, ~1500, ~420, ~120 tris Field Cannon Damaged:
4 LODs: ~ 4500, ~1600, ~520, ~120 tris Field Cannon Destroyed:
4 LODs: ~ 4300, ~1600, ~680, ~150 tris
Animation for normal and damaged cannons:
Shot, Hit, rotation of the wheels (forward, backward).
Animation for destroyed cannon: 2 destroyed variations.
Textures: Sizes: 2048.
Texture for normal, damage and destroyed models are applied.
Albedo map, normal map and specular map are applied.
LODs Group is included for all cannons.
Added shot smoke.
Included in the Asset: Cannons Pack

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