Brig Ship Complete Pack

Publisher The Tales Factory
File size 1.72GB
Number of files 325
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2020-10-19 02:16:28
First release date 2019-02-27 12:06:07
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
This pack contains a whole ship based on real XVIII th century ship plan. It contains: InteriorDeck, cabins, hold, masts and maintop. All furniture shown are included:

- 1 cannon ( with fire and reloading animation and particles) and 1 cannon ball, 1 bucket, 1 rammer and 1 sponge on a pole.

- 2 unique chests ( with 4 material variations).

- 2 unique shelves ( with 3 material variations).

- 2 unique sideboards ( with 3 material variation).

- 1 captain's chair

- 1 captain desk

- 2 unique crew tables and 4 crew seats

- 1 stove ustancils

- A few kitchen ustensils ( meat mincer, pot, pan, marmite and chopping block

- 1 hammock

- 2 unique Lanterns

- 1 photoscanned cask ( with 2 material variations)

All sails are set with unity cloth and can be turned along the masts ( there is no script attached ).

High Quality textures ( 8K, 4 K and 2K).

All materials are PBR.

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