Boat Station


Publisher Bek
File size 61.31MB
Number of files 85
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2019-01-02 11:10:24
First release date 2016-11-16 06:30:28
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Boat station Pack with High Quality PBR Textures.
This pack includes 10 Unique Prefabs:
-Boat 1708 tris
-Anchor 2064 tris
-Bell 4932 tris
-Boat bumper 2006 tris
-Bollard 1232 tris
-Box 144 tris
-Hook 810 tris
-Paddle 574 tris + paddle support 180 tris
-Whooden keg 1344 tris
-Life buoy 4344 tris + hanger 124 tris

- 1024-2048 px Albedo, Metallic/Smoothness, Normal and AO textures

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