Blowtorch Tool


Publisher GamePoly
File size 71.43MB
Number of files 8
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2016-02-05 10:20:26
First release date 2016-02-05 10:20:26
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Blowtorch Tool

A Very Detailed blowtorch, great for fps games, such as building/repairing tool or as environment props.

Textures is created using Photoshop, and has a Diffuse, Normal & Specular to its base. Work around with its material, and you can easy find the right settings for it. Textures has a dirty rusty torch to its base.

There is two Diffuse with different colour, Blue and Red.

The trigger is seperated if you like to animate it when in use.

4096x4096 TGA Textures

1140 Polys (Triangles) - 600 Verts

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