Big Modular Space Freight

Publisher L3D Entertainment
File size 266.34MB
Number of files 642
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2024-09-26 07:18:13
First release date 2024-09-26 07:18:13
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

External and internal parts are separated mesh for optimization purpose (activate/deactivate mesh when needed), decals mesh are separated from base mesh for easy modify.

Use of minimal number of texture with lots of custom shaders and re-usability in mind.

Animated mesh for landing gear , doors and external doors plus code animatated elevators and doors with example scripts.

The demo Scene contain example for modify materials and ship model runtime with scriptableObjects, Demo script for manage the ship modules and rooms with view management for inside parts and interaction system for doors, switch ecc.

Plus the project contain simple Controllers for Player , Spaceship and cameras.

You can see the demo in action here :

Part 1 External editor 

Part 2 FPS inside shipt

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