Battle Cars Pack 1 - Animated

Publisher gameVgames
File size 61.38MB
Number of files 68
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2024-11-20 08:14:15
First release date 2024-11-20 08:14:15
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

This package includes 3 different warrior battle cars. All vehicles have animated features and are equipped with their own special weapons. Each vehicle also has wings to fly. The wings can be disabled if desired.

The vehicles also have 3 different types of textures.

Technical details

9 Different Animated Battle Cars

Every vehicles has its own materials with a 1024x1024 diffuse texture map.

Number of textures : 3 (1 Textures / 2 Normal Maps)

Polygon count of [Model Name] : 3

Polygon count : 122.406

Number of meshes/prefabs : 3/9

Rigging : No

UV mapping : Yes

Animation : Yes

Animation count : 8

Polygon Counts for each models:

Battle Car-1: 41.990

Battle Car-2: 42.232

Battle Car-3: 38.184

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