Arena Super Shotgun

Publisher polyandtex
File size 2.31MB
Number of files 23
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2015-01-27 06:29:14
First release date 2015-01-10 12:08:48
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
When people think classic shooters they immediately think shotguns. Classic shooters made shotguns a staple in any good first person shooter.

This timeless weapon comes with two ammo pick ups with ammo decals, brass for ejection, a first person model with parts ready to be animated and a pick up model with lower res textures.

It also has specular built into the alpha.

Fps Shotgun : Texture 1024X1024, Triangle Count 1,266

Pick Up Shotgun: Texture 512 x512, Triangle Count 1,178

Large and Small Ammo Pickup : Atlased 256 , Decal 128, Triangle Count Large 320 Small 120

Brass : Texture 64x64, Triangle Count 44

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