Animated Emerald Tree Boa PBR

Publisher Dibia Digital
File size 62.25MB
Number of files 51
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2020-01-01 10:44:22
First release date 2019-04-01 09:51:09
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Animated detailed emerald tree boa created to match the reptile's real world scale, shape, skin scales and colours as accurately as possible.

3 model versions (High Poly/Low Poly/Poly Art)
27 animations
Blend shapes
4K texture maps
3 characters
PBR workflow

Texure Resolutions:

4k, 2k (Poly Art)

Texture Maps Included:

Normal Map

Vertex counts of characters:

High Poly: 17614 tris, 9311 verts
Low Poly: 4760 tris, 2693 verts
Poly Art: 4770 tris, 10467 verts

Animation List:

Constrict - [x2]
Crawl - [x4]
Crawl_Forward [x2]
Death - [x3]
Idle - [x5]
Strike - [x5]
Get_hit - [x3]
Turn_Left - [x2]
Turn_Right - [x2]

Please note that this pack was created specifically for use in Unity 3d Engine. Support will only be provided for usage issues inside Unity.

If you have any technical difficulty or need a specific animation added, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

I hope you find this pack useful in your game/ VR/AR projects.

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