Ambient Video Game Music – Alien Worlds

Publisher Phat Phrog Studio
File size 297.26MB
Number of files 11
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2022-06-01 05:46:20
First release date 2022-04-26 05:12:19
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

A collection of ambient soundtracks that are perfect for adventures to new worlds or alien planets set the perfect scene as you leave the spaceship and step foot on a new planet full of danger, mystery and excitement waiting to be explored

This pack contains 10 tracks that are each 3 minutes long for a total 30 minutes of audio


Do you want to add an extra layer of immersion to your games? 

Then check out our ambient video game music collections! These soundtracks will help transport you to different worlds, alien planets, frozen tundra's, Japan & hundreds of other scenarios and locations, adding an extra level of realism and excitement to your gameplay. Whether you are a game developer looking for high-quality sounds to use in your new games or breath life into some existing projects, our music collections are perfect for you!


We also have a number of other music collections and bundles available for sale at our publisher page, click here to check out our catalogue.

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