Amazing maze creator 2D


Publisher Payalnick
File size 846.80kB
Number of files 28
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2020-03-05 11:21:11
First release date 2020-03-05 11:21:11
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
MazeGenerator is using for creating custom 2D maze. You can use custom wall to create your custom maze. Maze is using backtrack algorithm and cell system: each cell is rectangle and maze size is measured in cells. MazeGenerator can use seed for create same mazes(example: you want save/load generated level and you just can save/load only seed value) and mazeGenerator can create everytime random maze.
To create maze you can use prefabs(maze will automatically created) or use maze skeleton(get wall positions). At this moment walls using rectangle prefabs(walls) to create maze.
Main functions of script:
1. Delete maze
2. Create maze new width and height
3. Create maze with seed(to create same mazes)
4. Set new prefab for wall, start and end walls
5. Get all impasses (cell center positions in array of Vector2)
6. Get all crossroads (cell center positions in array of Vector2)
7. Get all cell centers (cell center positions in array of Vector2)
8. Get way from start to end (cell center positions in array of Vector2)
9. Get gameObject of the start and end wall
10. Verify the position on the wall
11. SetSeed rules
Pro 2D: Demo 3D: Full 3D: Pro 3D:

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