
Publisher x.A-Studio.x
File size 261.85MB
Number of files 38
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2024-07-09 08:41:01
First release date 2024-07-09 08:41:01
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

The character have 5 face morphs. 🤨

3 Materials

13 Textures

PBR Texture (4096x4096 - 2048x2048)

This Character rig is based on Humanoid skeleton.

(Rig is based on Unreal Engine 4 Mannequin skeleton)

Additional bones that are added to skeleton:

- Jaw

- Wings (18 Bones)

The model contains 18 animations:

- Attack (x3)

- Walking (x2)

- Walking LR (x2)

- RunningĀ (x2)

- Idle (x2)

- Death

- Jump

- Jump Loop (x2)

- Damage (x2)

- Scream

Tris: 44842

Verts: 28463

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