Advanced Video Player


Publisher KornyAS
File size 187.55kB
Number of files 42
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2022-09-23 10:00:55
First release date 2022-02-04 01:12:17
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Hey friend :)

Guess I know why did you click on my asset. You wanna have some cool video player with timeline, playback speed changer, volume changer and much much more features? If I'm right - this asset is for you! Otherwise - you could still buy the asset because no one knows when you will be in needing of an advanced video player asset ;)

You can try it here

Anyway, let me introduce what my asset can do...

Long story short, the asset is about to play videos and control them, asset with many features and easy-to-understand fully commented code. It has many cool animations, understandable UI hierarchy, template scene, URL to a video on my server to test theese functions... In the asset you would find a documentation file to get more information about my asset!

And, yes, it supports WebGL! Here's proofs

Supported OS

Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS, Linux, WebGL, PS, Xbox

Get my asset and enjoy :)

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