Action RPG FX

Publisher Archanor VFX
File size 88.61MB
Number of files 364
Latest version 2
Latest release date 2021-05-19 09:42:41
First release date 2015-06-03 06:15:06
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Action RPG FX is a pack of particle effects designed for top-down ARPGs, and features many common effects inspired by games of the genre.

While the pack is not focused on combat spells, it includes epic loot beams and item indicators, portals, quest icons, resource orbs, click effects and more.

✅ For 3D projects
✅ Standard and URP
✅ Desktop and Mobile

WebGL Demo

The effects are sorted into 4 main categories: Combat, Environment, Interactive and Loot. See the full list of effects further down the page.


- 137 Total prefabs
- Most FX available in multiple colors
- Easy to scale
- 68 textures
- Fire, torch and rain sound FX
- Textures between 64x64 to 4096x4096


- Energy shield
- Energy shield impact
- Character Circle


- Doorway glow
- Fire
- Torch fire
- Blowingleaves
- Dripping water
- Ground fog
- Rain


- Click move
- Identify channel/finish
- Teleport channel/finish
- Level up
- Item pickup
- Context icons
- Portals
- Shrine glow
- Zones


- Chest glow (4 levels)
- Chest open (4 levels)
- Gem sparkle (6 colors)
- Gold sparkle (2 sizes)
- Circle Item
- Epic Item
- Essence Item
- Glow Item
- Rune Item
- Resource orbs
- Resource orb consume

Portal effects use 4096x4096 spritesheets combined with other particle systems and light effects. Portals are animated through particle systems and is split into 3 prefabs (Open/Close/Idle). Portals use pre-colored textures, but also have a modular version included which can be colored with vertex color in the particle system.

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