A statue of a lion.

Publisher Blacksmith
File size 50.35MB
Number of files 34
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2018-07-25 09:03:20
First release date 2018-07-25 09:03:20
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Stylistics of ancient Rome.
Presented in three versions, marble, bronze, old brass.
High Quality Lion Statue for your game with LODS.
Lod0 -13200 Tris
Lod1 -9880 Tris
Lod2 -6590 Tris
Lod3 -3970 Tris
This package uses atlas textures of 2048 x 2048 resolution
Including the following textures:
- AlbedoTransparency
- Metallic
- Normal Map
- Occlusion / AO

Unity 5 standard shaders are used.
Image effects are used in the demonstration video.
Color Space "Linear" are used in the demonstration video.

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