550+ Outdoor Animations


Publisher RB_Studio
File size 8.80MB
Number of files 1116
Latest version 1.0.0
Latest release date 2024-09-26 05:03:18
First release date 2024-09-26 05:03:18
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

The purpose of this animation pack is to give a little more life to outdoor areas.

For this purpose, the project contains such animations as: people communicating, animations for a scared/joyful crowd, guards on duty (with different weapons), street artists, cleaners, homeless people, swearing people, as well as paired animations of flirting, help and hostility, etc. d.

There are 3-5 different male and female styles for each animation sequence. For example, there are 40 “cleaner” animations in 5 different styles of 4 animations each, of which 20 are for the male skeleton and 20 for the female.

Each sequence consists of 4 linked animations, 2 of which are idle animations and 2 transitions between them, allowing you to create a complete and customizable loop.

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